Words having meaning to Brett

My childhood

Pullman, Washington. Warrensburg, Missouri. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Tulsa, Oklahoma.

My education

Broken Arrow High School. Caltech - California Institute of Technology. Durfee Foundation. Ruddock House. Stanford University. Electrical Engineering.

My friends (not complete)

Eva Coon.

Austin Coon. Paul Bonenfant. Robert Boulden. Cameron Campbell. Deirdre Coon. Doris Coon. Gilbert Coon. Deirdre Davis. Andrew Essen. Sophie Essen. Brian Feinberg. David Gollahon. Mark Gollahon. Jarrod Gollihare. Kevin Iadonato. Anders Johnson. Nikhil Joshi. David Knight. Dallas Koehn. Edward Mao. Ron Park - Zaphron - L. Ron. David Proctor. Milton Tinkoff. Roger Tinkoff.

Other names

Sholong Chen. Hunter Donahue. Andrew Essen. Le Nguyen.

Things I like

Amiga. Cheese. Dairy Queen. Elvis Presley - The King. The Evil Dead Sam Raimi. Bruce Campbell. Chinese Rock Music. Faith No More. Forth. Genetic Algorithms. Genetic Programming. Guns. Linux. Ministry (the group). Motorcycles. Pistols. Shonen Knife. Yamaha FZ750.

Things I don't like

Bryan Adams. Micheal Bolton. Senator Exxon. Newt Gingrich. Gin. Rush Limbaugh. Net Censorship. Scientology. Windows95.


Brett Coon / brett@cheesepipe.com